Gabou Soupe
This small restaurant framed in a garden, is one of the places where you can enjoy the delicious local meals as well as its typical desserts of the region.
From the Restaurants in Martinique, in this place you can find multiple types of garden soup made with fresh products in Fort de France.
The staff who attend this restaurant is very friendly and attentive where they will be welcomed to this place with a unique concept in the region.
Not only is the experience to enjoy and test the multiple traditional dishes of the region will be the protagonists of this visit, if not the discreet and quiet decoration that is part of the atmosphere of this place.
It is a very popular place with what is advisable to communicate to make reservations and obtain more information about the ideal schedules to visit this place.
Undoubtedly an ideal place to enjoy the attractions that can be found on the island.
It is located on Morne Pitault Street, and you can communicate at 596 5136 23 for more information